Friday 24 April 2015

Each zodiac sign is associated with different body systems and organs. Read on to quickly learn about connections between astrology and health! Best enjoyed with a cup of soothing tea, of course.

Aries rules the head, face, sinuses, blood and muscular system. Try ginger, or licorice teas, and make sure to avoid caffeine at all costs.
Taurus rules the neck, throat and voice. Your ideal teas are slippery elm (bark), Valerian, fenugreek and licorice.
Gemini rules the shoulders, arms and hands, as well as the lungs. Seek out nettle, echinacea, lavender and calendula teas for relaxation.
Cancer rules the belly, breasts, uterus and digestive system. The best teas for you are peppermint, chamomile, raspberry leaf and dandelion.
Leo rules the heart, chest, spine and cardiac system. Next time you find yourself in the tea aisle, give dandelion, chamomile, Valerian, nettle or fennel a try.
Virgo rules the intestines and abdomen. Your ideal teas for soothing flavor are fennel, lavender, slippery elm, fenugreek and peppermint.
Libra rules the kidneys, bladder, ovaries and the endocrine system. If you’re a Libra, consider trying ginseng, juniper, rosehip, licorice or dandelion teas.
Scorpio rules the elimination organs, genitals and bowels. (Hey, one sign out there has to handle the dirty work.) Look for dong quai, ginseng, raspberry leaf, Valerian or nettle teas.
Sagittarius rules the thighs, hips and backside, plus the sciatic nerve. Teas that will make you feel best are dandelion, fresh lemon and red clover.
Capricorn rules the skin, teeth, hair, nails and bones — the entire skeletal system, in fact. Try chamomile, fenugreek, elderflower or elderberry teas to improve and solidify your wellness.
Aquarius rules the ankles, calves and nerve impulses, as well as the circulatory system. The best teas for you are nettle, elderflower, elderberry or yarrow.
Pisces rules the feet and toes, and also the immune and lymphatic systems. Be sure to give yarrow, nettle, rosehip, peppermint or chamomile tea a try.

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Tea! The Essence of life! Here are our previous posts if you've missed out any!

The humble and awesome Masala Tea never lets you down!

Log onto and order yours now!

Sip on some hot Early Grey Tea and be worry free!

Log onto and order yours now!

Open your mind and be refreshed with our varieties of tea blends.

Get summer ready with a cup of black tea!

Simple and great!